Keyword Targeting or Content Writing: Digital Marketing Which Really Works

The internet and seo algorithms constantly change. Keeping your SEO game as current as possible is the best way to ensure that you increase SEO ranking for your website or your clients website. 
2018, methods of rankings have gotten more advanced. SEO agencies and experts are contemplating about which is the best way to improve rankings and optimize correctly for search engines to instantly pick up and notice of quality. 

The Big Digital Marketing Question: Keyword Targeting or Content Marketing

This is a very complex question that we will try to answer very simply so it make sense. Both keyword targeting and content marketing must work together. Think of it this way. HTML existed before PHP and then PHP came out and still had HTML code inside. 
The analysis comparison: Keyword Targeting has been used before content marketing and now that content marketing is effective, keyword targeting needs to be inside content marketing. 

Pure and original content with the proper keyword targets to target certain user groups is the best digital marketing method for all campaigns and even website blogs. 

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